Ongoing Research Support
DMS-2327836 NSF IHBEM: Data-driven integration of behavior change interventions into epidemiological models using equation learning. 09/01/2023-08/31/2026. Role: Co-PI (Osman Ozaltin, PI)
U54 DA06004 NIDA/FDA UNC TCORS: Center for Tobacco Regulatory Science and Health Equity. 9/30/23-8/31/28. Role: Co-I (Kurt Ribisl, PI)
1R61AG078088 – 01A1 NIA Exercise adherence and cognitive decline: Engaging with the Black community to develop and test a goal-setting and exercise intensity intervention. 09/01/2023 – 08/31/2028. Role: Co-I (Angela Bryan, PI)
1R01CA242746-01A1 NCI State-of-the-Art Synthesis of Interventions to Promote Quit Intentions and Smoking Cessation. 07/01/2021-06/30/2024. Role: PI
1R01DA049155-01A1 NIDA/FDA Impact of E-Cigarette Prevention Messages on Adolescents. 05/01/2020-04/31/2025. Role: Co-I (Seth Noar, PI)
1R01CA240732-0 NIH Little Cigar and Cigarillo Warnings to Reduce Tobacco-Related Cancers and Disease. 09/02/2019-08/31/2024. Role: Co-I (Adam Goldstein, PI) |
Completed Research Support
01CA246606-01A1 NCI Understanding Uncontrolled Vaping among Vulnerable Populations. 09/10/2020-08/31/2023. Role: Co-I (Noel Brewer, PI)
R34-MH111852 NIMH Targeting Physical Health in Schizophrenia: Physical Activity Can Enhance Life (PACE-Life). 08/16/2018-04/30/2022. Role: Co-I (David Penn, PI) |
National Cancer Institute Administrative Supplement Tobacco use treatment in cancer patients. 10/01/2017-9/30/2019. Role: Co-I (Adam Goldstein, PI)
National Cancer Institute Effective Communication on Tobacco Product and FDA Authority – Project 3. 01/01/2016-7/31/2018. Role: Co-I (Adam Goldstein, PI)
Lineberger Developmental Funding Program Award How can skin cancer best be prevented? Meta-analysis of behavior change techniques in randomized controlled trials. 01/01/2016-3/31/2017. Role: PI
#23514 John Templeton Foundation Testing three strategies for overcoming unconscious influences and translating ‘good’ intentions into action. 01/01/2012-10/31/2015. Role: PI |